Birthday fun!
Wooohoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, what a weekend! I went to Wisconsin with the fam, and mets new peops and played all weekend with a super cute puppy girl named Sable. She wasn't having any of my shenanigans (sp?) but she did play with me. They put her shock collar on me and made me stay in the yard! The nerve!!! I was too scared to leave the porch after I found out what that thing did! It was much safer in mommy or Tanya's lap. I hated it! Today I was a super cute puppy in the morning, being as cuddly as I am and all, but this afternoon I shoved my way through the door to the garage and under the garage door and out into the street. And they wonder why they shouldn't get me a shock collar. Mommy started work today. She was gone all day, for the first time since she became my official mommy. Daddy is staying home more now, maybe since mommy is gone and he can get some work done. Anyhow, thats it for now. Ciao.
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