Thursday, September 08, 2005


So, the mommy master is now working everyday. I get put into a cage every day for what seems like forever! And then, when they come home, I only greet the daddy master cause cause I figure this chic has something to do with me getting put into my cage. Anyway, I gots a new pet carrier today, and it's tiny! Much smaller than my less portable cage!!! They say it will keep me in line in the car. We'll see. Anyhow, things are busy around here. The masters have gone to the gym three times this week, in a row, and they plan on continuing. I am going to get to go to work with the mommy master on take-your-dog-to-work day. Lol, no just really, I am going to be a part of a spanish lesson. I am up to my usual puppy antics. On the farm front, the Rusty doesn't let me get a pee in edgewise! I can't be left alone for 10 seconds to do my business without him trampeling me. I can't wait until they band him, maybe he'll calm down. Well gots to go, the daddy is cooking dinner and maybe if I look cute enough, I will get some of that food they normally refuse to share with me.

Le love pug.


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Thursday, September 08, 2005 8:44:00 PM  

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