Life goes on....
Yeah Yeah, so I'm a lazy pug when it comes to blogging, but I've got things to do! Like for instance, last night I puked on the master's bed and then ate it again! That kind of stuff takes planning and dedication! Don't think for a second the life of a pug is an easy one. Anyway, on the side of my surgery, I'm healed and hardly notice a difference, except for the fact I don't want to disobey nearly as much, I'm much more sleepy and cuddly now. Everyone likes me better in fact! So, anyway, we're moving to a new place soon! I am exciting, all new territory to mark, woohoo! I am told I have to behave though, cause the place is brandnew and that landlord wouldn't take to Deccy's Decorating very well. Maybe I can sneak in a little chew on the carpet or something....:D
I am off!