Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Its been awhile..............

Well, what can I say, I'm a busy dog. I am under a new training program. Its called, "Operation: don't let Deccy chew, pee, crawl on or destroy anything" a.k.a. "Operation: NO FUN!" I was a bad boy apparently yesterday, I chewed on the master's toy that he puts in his ear all the time. He wasn't happy. I thought we had an understanding that anything left out was fair game. I guess the rules have changed, I have a feeling this new chick that's been around a lot has something to do with it. I don't even get treats for coming in the door anymore. Gosh! Anyhow, I am starting to remember, or at least starting to listen, to the master when he tells me to get off the furniture, but it sucks cause that's the best place to play or sleep. One cool thing that did happen was that I was brushed for the first time ever yesterday, and man did it feel good! I could have sat there for hours! He can do that anytime as far as I am concerned. On the love side of things, the new lady master seems to be genuine but not always happy with me. I do get a lot of kisses though. At least my "buddy" is happy. Thats good. And as for me, well no prospects for now. There is a sweet young thing that lives just down the street from the farm. She's a golden retriever/something mix and she's big and beautiful, but she's already bigger than me and I'm full grown! My opportunity is slowly fading with each passing day. Oh well, someday I'll find my love. Its only a waiting game for now.

The Dexter

Monday, March 14, 2005


Now, I never quite understood why the humans like to talk funny at me and why they give me so many names. But this weekend, I was dubbed, after having a wonderful time in the barn with the cows, Poopdeck, and everyone seems to think its funny and fitting. Just because I get a little dirty while out and about on the farm, doesn't warrant name calling! Anyhow, I am also a sad pug, alas, I am no longer allowed on the furniture :( No more long naps on the couch, no more snoozing on the piano. The do's and don'ts of the human world will never be clear to me, however, if I am to be fed, I shall obey.

Hopefully this will be an easy change for me. My puppy days are over, time to be a dog.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Charisma is the key....

Oh my little friends, where to begin? You seek advice on attracting the opposite sex? While not revealing my personal secrets, after all, I could lose all my pug "play" I can give you a few hints with your match.com profile. First! No match.com! I recommend a much higher quality website where viewers can give you feedback and you can do the same. What is this wonderful site you ask? Why http://ratemypuppy.com of course! Second, your photo should be a full body shot, others want to see those beautiful teeth, those ears and those lovely hind legs. Oh yeah, and don't forget to include your tail in at least one picture, it is by far the most important part! Third, and last, do not bore readers with a long list of likes/dislikes, get to the point, let them know you're not wasting any time, that you'll go straight up and take a sniff, because the bottom line is, if they don't smell right, they're not worth your time! I hope that I have been of some help to you and your profile. Que tenga un buen dia!!

El Pug de Amor

Monday, March 07, 2005

When you're having fun.......

Where's a pug to start? What an adventurous weekend! The masters took me rock climbing. You know, this Wisconsin place ain't all that bad. I had a bit of a difficult time pulling the master up and down the mountain, but we made it and really enjoyed the view from the top. I made sure they took plenty-o-pics so you all can see my amazing athleticism, they will be posted up here later today. I might add that I look pretty buff! Afterwards, they took me to the pet store where there was some sort of puppy convention. They wouldn't let me play however, saying I was too old (mind you not too big since many of the young pups were larger than me) to play in the pen. Man that looked like fun. Instead I had to sit out and watch the masters pick out cat food, bleh! They then proceeded to make me look at cats! The injustice, I tell you. I didn't even get to pick out a toy. But at least I got to sniff some great tail! Even one of the ladies was one of those aggressive types, oh yeah, she was hot, I should have gotten her tag number! All in all though, there was plenty of good food, attention and adventure this weekend and it was a lot of fun. I only wish all weekends could be like this one. C'est la vie, je ne peux pas avoir tout ce que je veux! Alright. Time to go back to reality. But never forget, my faithful fans, that I am here to advise and entertain you!

Au revoir!
Le pug d'amour

I tawt I taw a puddy tat!!!!

Aha, finally, a photo worthy of my match.com profile! Je suis irresistible!!!

I sense danger somewhere in zee distance.....

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Time for Spring :)

The love pug yearns for those spring days when old urine scents are freshened after the melting snow and old bones can be dug up again to enjoy one more time. Sunny days have been in plentitude yet we have to wait until the mercury starts to rise. One can't help but think of what spring means to us. To a dog it means more leash time but to you humans your minds turn to thoughts of refreshing, restarting, renewal. I know a lot of the peops in the love pug's life are thinking of starting something new...graduation, new jobs, new cities, new lives and the love pug wishes the best to all in thier endeavors and reminds everyone that while they throw out the old and bring in the new, if the old contains old shoes, meat or anything stinky overall he gladly accepts donations :D Love advice for the day: If you're in love with a skunk, time to rethink the relationship ;)

Au revoir!
The Pug Man

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

The Love Pug is Sad :(


The love pug is not perfect and doesn't always do things they way they should be done. The love pug sincerely hopes that the person he made sad doesn't stay sad. He just wanted to be honest with that person and sometimes the truth hurts and makes others sad. It isn't easy being a love pug. The love pug just wants this person to know that his feelings were expressed in the wrong way, that he is truly happy for them, but that he hopes they can try to understand why he feels the way he does.

Sigh, I hope so.

The not so loveable pug :(

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

virgin blogger


Thanks for the support ya'll, this pug is on his way to the top, who knows, maybe I'll make Animal Planet someday. For you non-believers out there, this pug speaks English, Spanish, French, Italian and of course, the language of LOVE. So if ya'll need some advice, I can give you some tips- pug style. You might wonder, how does a species of dog that's considered ugly, get so much attention? But can I give away my pug secrets? Perhaps, if you're worthy. For now it's time to go.

The Love Pug

The love pug says "yo"

YO YO YO. So what exactly does a love pug do? HAHAHAHA, wouldn't you like to know. For the time being, I'm chewing on a bone, but I got plans to pump up the jams later! Oh yeah, just ask the MAN, he goes by the name Spamcake! For now I'm off, but perhaps we'll feel the urge to pee on a yellow hydrant later, if we do, we'll be sure to let you know.
