Friday, December 29, 2006


I LOVE MY LIFE! It's butchering week again! My favorite time of year! It's as if meat is falling from the sky! I love meat! There is no shortage of bones and sirloin and filet and hamburger and all the goodies that come with butchering! I also get porkchops! Pork loin and sausage! YUM! I LOVE MY LIFE!

In other news.........

We have a new addition to our family. My new baby sister Skippy! Skippy Jane Jones to be exact! She is a CAT! Why on earth would they want that thing! Mommy is kissing her all the time and cuddling her and I get whatever is left over in terms of affection. WHY OH WHY A CAT? She is cute though. I do like her. We play together although I am a big clumsy oaf when it comes to kitten play. My little sister is only about 6 weeks old! She's a really cool color too, but I can't wait till she gets bigger so I can play more with her!

Well, other than that, the only other news is that I got some new dog cologne for christmas, now I smell good all the time! Mommy says she likes me "au naturale" in regards to smell especially in the morning, but this is for those who are pug scent fanatics, and it smells good too!

I hope all had a fantabulous Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of You!
Deccy (brother of Skippy Jane Jones, pictured in this blog!)


Blogger Mrs. H in Costa Rica 2023 said...

Haha, very nice! He is too spoiled though...

Saturday, December 30, 2006 10:26:00 PM  
Blogger Michelle said...

Wow, somehow I missed this blog until now. Personally, I think you smell pug-tastic with your new cologne. Your cousins Beau and Vader have their own kitty cologne as well. I love it!

I never saw that pic of Skippy with her mouth open....that is one of the most adorable pictures ever. How oh how does your mommy capture all this cuteness so easily?

Speaking of cuteness....tell your mommy to post the picture of you sleeping with daddy! Tell her Auntie Shelly thinks that she needs to submit that to some photo competition somewhere!!

Saturday, March 17, 2007 12:22:00 AM  

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